In light of the way the Republicans have change the word "old" into the word "new" with their "new" Pledge for America. I thought I would share with a prayer to Darth Vader Capitalism that I have written that explains in a little more detail just what they are praying for this coming election.
Dear Holy Facist Corporate America,
Please benevolent Corporate Darth Vader Capitalism we pray before you today with faith that you will hear our humble calls for the apocalypse. Please oh lord continue to pollute our planet into that Wall-E movie world, while doing so please continue reduce everyone to a chinese slave worker with your chosen knights of bankers and ceos as our overlords, give us Health Care that spends more on Air than on Care. Please oh lord give us lower and lower infant mortality. Give us more and more and MORE War and conflict, Especially the kind that is insanely costly to most of us and extremely profitable to your chosen ones. Give us more Socialism for the Chosen ones you know the ones who truly deserve it. Please keep that Median income on its way down to hell where it belongs right next to ethics, justice and common sense. Just please continue to spread the income Gap to Alpha Centari. Tighten the grip around our democracy's balls until they finally finally fall off. Keep the puppet show in Washington Alive oh lord with your hand so far up its ass that your finger tips serve as eyes. Please continue to agitate the Israely conflict just for fuck all fun, also continue to reach inside a woman's Uterus and make choices for her. Keep the smoke screen of Racism against Mexicans to stall any rationalization of immigration to keep that nice beautiful brown flow of cheap labor coming into our land (the way we secretly desperately desire). Please continue to sell that ego and ethos laden snake oil to white trash and loud mouthed cocky red faced white middle class men to hijack their own needs in favor of their lower brains ideas of about themselves. Oh and of course keep that Hypnotizing watch of religion on our side where it belongs. Blessed be the Manipulators of the meek oh lord. Please keep diligently working to wipe away that dirty Human face to our democracy and economic system. Replace it with your benevolent sky-nett capitalism as you have been doing. Anyway Lord we must now dine upon these Ferraris sirloins and these Fabergé egg omelets. So to conclude we ask you these things in the name of the continued R-ape and Pillage of humanity, Amen.